Labbaik Allah...
The opening words of the Talbiya, meaning, "I am totally at Your service; I
am totally at Your service; o Allah, I am totally at Your service."
After the arduos journey last night we were greeted by this lovely letters from Tabung Haji. Rasa nak nangis dapat surat ni..sebab tak sangka nikmat Allah yang ditunggu-tunggu dah tiba. I ve already told maryam last night that mama is going for haj next year and she will be left behind for 44 days, and I ll remind her everyday for the next few hundreds days..In Syaa Allah. We plan..But Allah is the Best Planner.
Semoga Allah SWT permudahkan segala urusan persediaan hendak ke Tanah Suci..dan Doc suami-isteri dapat menunaikan fardhu Haji dengan tenang dan sempurna..Ameen..