
Instead of going to JB early saturday morning to send the two kiddos back to school,we have decided, last minute, to go to Sg.Penchala instead. The rerouting means 6 hours less on the road, get to see loved ones too and maybe minor shopping? We bought Firefly tickets from Subang to JB for them. InsyaAllah they will be on air just 1 hour and walla ..sampai JB..early Sunday morning, they can then procede with whatever preparation for school on Monday..Tak payah ting tong dalam bas 6 jam..Maybe this will be one good alternative instead of driving to and fro JB Kuantan which usually take us 12 hours to complete. This allow us to be back in Kuantan early sunday noon so that we can send kak moon to her hostel sunday evening. Perancangan manusia..segalanya ingin dimudahkan ..Moga Allah makbulkan..


silalah jemput ke teratak hamba yang seadanya ini...hehe...demam...sian...nampaknye nak kena cari bibik juga le...:)
NBK said…
ki ki ki..demam rindu ikea..teringin nak makan meatball

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