Imtiaz interview

Last tuesday we went to Dungun after suboh for sarah's interview that was schedule at 9.00. Alhamdulillah the trip was alright. There were almost 600 students with 5 A's, some came as far as Sabah, Serawak and Brunei. Since they only want 120 students, the competition was stiff. On top of that, non-trengganu is only allocated 10% of the seat. Told sarah thats its ok, either she got it or not, as the experience was good. The interview session include hafazan session where students were given several surah ( about 5-6 lenghty sentence) to memorize, fardu ain, jawi writing, quranic recitation. I think she did ok. Unfortunately her application for MRSM was in her file and was noted by the assessor. When she was asked about which school will she choose, she was undecided...and the Imtiaz management was very particular about this as they want student who can only commit themselves to Imtiaz.....ha ha..But come to think about it, Allah knows best...All in all I love Imtiaz. The location is very nice, besides a long stretch of clean beach. The school is clean and the students resemble those in Hidayah. Academic achievement is awesome. And thinking of your children becoming a hafeez or hafeezah....Those selected are very lucky as they are selected by Allah to do a very good deed to memorize the Quran..

So next is Gemencheh MRSM...Lets wait till next week..
So I got 2 days to laze in bed....ha ha

So next week Monday she will be


ska said…
kak sidah, sy dah tanya kwn sy yg pro area n.sembilan. dia kata mmg senang exit simpang ampat n it takes about 2 hours something to reach there.

anyway, good luck to sarah!

n ada cek email tak? saya ada email psl mda tuh.

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