Awal tahun...if only

As usual early part of the year is the time when money flows out like water. So today i spent > RM 1500 just to get the 3 kids into schools. That doesnt include the eldest in Johor...we ll see how much money need to be spent when we go to JB this weekend.

After several days of 'headaches' and finally ayah's solat istiqarah, we finally decide to send sarah to irsyad too. Though the facilities are not as good but as there is not much choice we decide to register her there first, then see if she get the MRSM offer..InsyaAllah. Coming from a private school our children do not have much choice. We are 'sort of' victimised for sending our children to school that emphasized on Islamic input to their daily life. They are not eligible to any special schools like SBPI or other science schools. The only chance is MRSM...and there are only 2 MRSM that caters for those interested in Tahfiz....Malaysia Boleh

I really wish those people with power up there will soon revamp the school system. More emphasize into Islamic way of life. Whats wrong with instilling Islamic value into our young children. Whats wrong with teaching our children to cover their aurah since young. Whats wrong with teaching aqidah, sirah, fekah together with other so called 'important subjects'.Why seperate them into morning and afternoon class. Why double standard? Whats wrong with teaching proper conduct between male and female since young. Why? Why?...I m sure and very sure that a lot of mischief behaviours and misconduct among our teenagers will not occur if they are guided well since young..And let all these available and be part of 'free' education offer by the goverment...

We will forever be burdened with various problems brought about by the 'hedonistic' life style as long as the young generations are not brought up by a proper Islamic way of life ' as preach by the Our Prophet SAW guided by the Quran....

Oh Allah please give Hidayah to these people who have 'power' in their hand to rebuild this nation

And the only way is through Education


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