Bloated feeling due to slower GIT movement associated with increase in progesterone level. Never experience something as bad like this. Perbanyakkan istighfar...lately less time spent reading the Quran. Most of the time am in horizontal position. I m upright only at the office. At home..boommmm..baring baring baring. I dont care much about whats going on around the house. maaf anak anak. mama cant spent time much in the kitchen. I cant even stand the smells of nasi goreng yg bibil buat. end up having breakfast in bed. To reduce bloating mintak anak dara and teruna kecik tolong urut belakang mama...boleh lah distract kejap....
Try macam macam dah nak kurangkan bloated feeling. Alhamdulillah muntah dah banyak kurang. Try to reduce sugary drinks, though juice kat malaysia ni tak sama cam kat australia, pure, thick nice juice. Here lots of additive, coloring you name it. Thats why kat adelaide 5 hari was great walau pun hentam makan kambing...yummy lamb chop.
Help help. Astaghfirullahalazim..Dosa aku banyak and Allah nak kurangkan dgn beri cabaran simple ni. Shame shame baru diuji sikit dah bising...but still help hypersalivation, bergelen air liur keluar tak larat nak telan, nak ludah sesaja
balik nak mintak anak anak picit lagi..help me...Ammelalut here to distract me from this bloated feeling but still..Nasib baik minggu exam yr 2. No lecture and no lecture for Yr 1. Harap harap cepat improve symptoms and back to my old self. Felt so useless in this condition...
Ampun ya Allah..
Try macam macam dah nak kurangkan bloated feeling. Alhamdulillah muntah dah banyak kurang. Try to reduce sugary drinks, though juice kat malaysia ni tak sama cam kat australia, pure, thick nice juice. Here lots of additive, coloring you name it. Thats why kat adelaide 5 hari was great walau pun hentam makan kambing...yummy lamb chop.
Help help. Astaghfirullahalazim..Dosa aku banyak and Allah nak kurangkan dgn beri cabaran simple ni. Shame shame baru diuji sikit dah bising...but still help hypersalivation, bergelen air liur keluar tak larat nak telan, nak ludah sesaja
balik nak mintak anak anak picit lagi..help me...Ammelalut here to distract me from this bloated feeling but still..Nasib baik minggu exam yr 2. No lecture and no lecture for Yr 1. Harap harap cepat improve symptoms and back to my old self. Felt so useless in this condition...
Ampun ya Allah..
Take care.