
Alhamdulillah..rahmat dan kasih sayang Allah banyak dan murah sekali pada aku..My longest lone trip ...from Kuantan->Kl->Cyberjaya->JB->Kuantan...Alhamdulillah walau pun sorang tak mengantuk.

Syukur seperti yang dirancang, berjaya dicapai. All supervisors dah tandatangan, tinggal my part, to complete, prepare 7 copies, get Prof Ima signature nxt week n send to HUKM. From UKM KL yesterday I went to Cyberjaya. Going there was not difficult as there is KL Putrajaya new highway, but once there it was quite tricky to find Cyberjaya Uniiversity College of Medicine n Medical Sciences. Finally after almost n hour I managed to locate it..NO wonder , the sign board was so tiny and the university? the what?..was..m..mmm OK better not comment, So i got the draft from Dr.Asmadi, then I drove to JB. I reached there almost Maghrib, lucky manage to catch Muaz before azan..Hilang letih bila tengok abang muaz..and alhamdulillah he was waiting for waktu buka puasa..I gave the chocolate cake i made the night before n sata + otak-otak (that was supposed to go to Sg.Penchala...:). I then drove towards Senai because I plan to stay at a hotel there but after few kilometres made a U turn and drove back towards Larkin and alhamdulillah settled at Seri Malaysia. After fetching the key I went to Plaza Larkin and had a nice mee rebus Johor then went back to hotel, had a nice shower and sleep. This morning I woke up, had a quick shower. After breakfast (tak selera pun, makan sorang) I drove to SRIH. Met ustaz Azri, ustazah khatijah n ustaz omar. They were really helpful. Discussed with them regarding extra class for Science n English for this semester as a preparation for mext year. Hopefully there will be takers. Dapat sembang dengan abang Muaz. kek coklat n the rest dah dibalun semalam..lincin linciau. Takpa next time mama will bring some more. I left SMIH around 10.00. The journey back was OK though there were many big lorries and kontena. From JB to Yong Peng, it was OK since it is a highway. From Yong Peng to Segamat was OK too as there was not many heavy vehicles. I stopped at Masjid Segamat and rembat a baju kurung. Then stopped at the Segamat junction to have my lunch. The trip from Segamat to Muadzam was smoth but from Muadzam to Kuantan was a hiccups as there was many lorries ( bawak balak lebih muatan)..I did nt drive pass them if I dont feel confident so at times I was driving around 10-20 km..But alhamdulillah now I m safely home and will start pulun all the monir corrections. Thank you Allah for all your blessing..


Anonymous said…
Phuh!!! that was very long alone...memang makteh berani. tiduq sorang-sorang kat hotel, lena ke? Itulah dinamakan pancaroba hidup....mesti ada thrill sikit....haha
NBK said…
Tak berani tapi tawakkal...So in future if ada emergency , insyaAllah can survive, but I need to learn to change tyre..Oh I dont even know how to pump the tyre

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