Am satisfied with thesis progress so far..KIV to send to Prof. Azizi n prof Asmadi for review. Need to touch up on discussions. More journals needed.
Abg Muaz called during weekend. Alhamdulillah he has improved alot..Mama always pray that abang will achieved better. For your own good. Am sure you can do better..
Today the kids have Hari Bahasa..seemed they really enjoyed themselves as they managed to grab few tokens ..Go on kids..Am happy for you all.
Makan sedap today ..mana boleh lawan masak tempoyak ikan patin opah. Abang Zari siap satu mangkuk hirup kuah tempoyak....podas tuuu..Pekena pulak dengan rendang perak ayam organik..phew!!Kalau dapat ikan pekasam kakda lagi power..Kak da make sure save some for me.
Abg Muaz called during weekend. Alhamdulillah he has improved alot..Mama always pray that abang will achieved better. For your own good. Am sure you can do better..
Today the kids have Hari Bahasa..seemed they really enjoyed themselves as they managed to grab few tokens ..Go on kids..Am happy for you all.
Makan sedap today ..mana boleh lawan masak tempoyak ikan patin opah. Abang Zari siap satu mangkuk hirup kuah tempoyak....podas tuuu..Pekena pulak dengan rendang perak ayam organik..phew!!Kalau dapat ikan pekasam kakda lagi power..Kak da make sure save some for me.
onndsalleh je. Banyak jugalah faedah yang boleh didapati dari blog ni. Dapat juga pahala kat kakda ajar orang masak....hehe..