Azhan Atan

Azhan..won the first Akademi Nasyid competition semalam and bagged RM100000. rabak juga beberapa ringgit menghantar SMS sokongan....tak pe ikhlas

I m sure he will give some impact to the music industry probably not as wide as Mawi but at least among those nasyid lovers. What is so special about this guy? First he is considered as 'istimewa' due to some disabilities. He is blind though I think only partial, he also had some facial neuropathies. But what is more important is that he has excellent God-given voice, a mix of Jamal and M Nassier I would say. And when he sing he touches others heart unlike some nasyid songs that are nice to the ears but do not touch your heart.

Azhan will have impact on the Malaysian Muslim. He is special just like Mawi, Siti who despite many other newcomers in music industries still have strong foothold with solid support from thier fans...But unlike the others who merely sings untuk menghibur jiwa but can not help bring us closer to our Creator his is better for what he sings is actually a dakwah. And he is special compared to many pendakwah because he can reach to larger pool of audience who may not be reach by others.

All I hope and many others too is that Br.Azhan will always be true to his early niat in jumping into his new world because as we know cabaran di luar sana sangat hebat .....

Bravo Br. Azhan..not many people know and even if they know will perform sujud syukur di depan jutaan manusia...

kepada yang tension and sakit jiwa sampai ke tahap serious do listen to his voice and watch his performance thru U tube..Hati bisa tersentuh dan insaf...

Allah the most Gracious the most merciful


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