Final year in the corner 🥰
Alhamdulillah. Hero mama sudah hampir ke penghujung. Today abang will resume his study. Engineering subjects alhamdulillah seems way easier and maybe more interesting than physics. Another 3 sems to complete. So in life, when you stumble or face with issues or problems, seek Allah's help and be brave to change your course of life. It wont guarantee a hassle free path ahead, but it certainly give experience, and time to muhasabah and strenghten your IMAN and effort to survive. Mama bersyukur dan berbangga dengan usaha abang menangani isu dalam hidup. Semoga abang mampu dan kuat untuk mendepani cabaran hidup mendatang dan sentiasa ingat tujuan hidup ini menjangkaui keperluan fizikal dan material, kerana DESTINASI hidup kita adalah KEBERKATAN dan KETENANGAN di ALAM KEKAL.