Jan 2021

Alhamdulillah. Semoga Allah mudahkan urusan mendatang. 

Abang Muaz soon to register for his 8th semester in DRB Hicom. Congratulation for working hard and persistant with your effort. Insyallah Allah mudahkan perjalanan abang menggenggam ijazah next year. 2022 is not that far dear.

Kak Sar is home after three years in Otago Uni. Alhamdulillah bachelor of Science (Nutrition). Congratulation dear kakak for a great achievement. Semoga terus istiqamah cemerlang dalam kehidupan dunia dan akhirat.

Kak Mun is home after her great effort completing the first sem of year 3 in the mids of the pandemic. Insyallah kak mun to follow suit abang Muaz to grad by mid next year. Insyallah and keep up the great achievement so far. 

So looking forwards to have my 3 older beloved children to complete their degree. Insyallah Allah has the best plan for you dears

Abang Muneer is pursuing his GAPP program. mama doa terbaik buat muneer. Insyallah we want the best for both world here and hereafter. Congrats for your excellent SPM2020

My dearest youngest baby, mayam is growing up to a charm teenager. Embracing her artistic talent and sharing with the world her beautiful product. May Allah bless my baby.

This is the second year for my BFF in the university hospital. As usual, highly committed to his job. masyallah

Me..really am looking forward to retire from the university, but Allah knows when it will be.


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