October 2015

October will soon leaves us. My dear Sista Kti and Abang Lan had come back from performing the fifth pillar. Alhamdulillah a great and memorable 27 days - journey for them and many others. Nikmat apa lagi yang mau kau dustakan. October also signifies that major exams are coming. Kak Mun is going to sit for her SMA on Monday. Mama pray that Allah ease your journey. Abang Muaz seems comfortable with the new arrangement ie staying outside USIM as a second year student. Kak Sarah is also doing well there in KYS...enjoying the comfort of a private college, a luxury none of my kids had as hostels dwelling students. Alhamdulillah. My application for a 3-month unpaid leave has been approved. I ve never experienced being a full time financially dependent to hubby in the last 20 years. Let see :) Apart from the coming exam, my important task to complete now is to ensure my PhD student can submit her thesis on time. She is my first and hope not the last. By February I pray that she can fly back to Saudi happily. Insyaallah. In the mean time, I have a wish to fulfill.


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