an older and wiser you?

My dear other half attained his 47th year ...roaming the earth..Alhamdulillah.  A year wiser..a year older and a year nearer to the final exit. May you achieved success here and hereafter. Loved by many, hopefully hate by none.

Abang muaz on holiday. Mama has an extra pair of hands. Each time we woke up in the morning,  we potentially receive the same amount of 'cash' to spend ie our time, effort, may be money, wealth, etc. If we 'spend' wisely, we benefit the most. The true wealthy person is the one who is not thrifty when comes to spending for his final destination.

Abang muneer revisited. So far so good. Adapting to hostel life. A great scholar once mentioned...we are so worried about our phone, Ipad, Ipod gadget batteries, that we always ensure that it is fully charged especially if we are planning for some task, we even have extra battery to ensure that we are not caught short. But how many of us actually is prepared for our final destination. How many of us actually keep looking at our 'ibadah' battery and ensure that it is 100% charged in case our life is cut short at a blink of an eye.
Kak sarah n the gang. Alhamdulillah got the chance to visit k sarah. Hope kakak is strong enough to battle thru. Make the most of every chance given. Sacrifice is needed to attain something very valuable. How many of us actually take seriously about each amanah given to it our children, our wealth, our time etc. We have no one else to blame not even our parents even though for those reverts. The source of knowledge are so abundant everywhere that you only have yourself to blame if your are finally called back to your Creator empty-handed.
New year, new glass. We can change glass, we can change environment,  we can even change the people around us, but true changes require a strong commitment on our side. A paradigm shift.? 

One shot from previous flood season. We can either be part of a problem or take part in finding solution.
The very old but newly purchased 4W. It is bought specifically to assist the many plan my other half has in his mind. At some stage in life we know that the time left for us to invest for our final station gets shorter and shorter. We can either sit back and enjoy life or we do our share to make world a better place. Thru various small deeds or at greater scale. And if initially the intention is cloudy,  keep on doing. Good deeds are infectious


Al-Manar said…

I like your philosophy, a year older a year older, a year wiser and a year to the final exit.

Your eldest is the secondary school and this is how you feel. What if I say our eldest GRANSON is beginning his life at a university. That means I am so much nearer to the exit. To reach my 'wisdom' you have to wait until your boy starts and completes his university life, gets married and has his first child at a boarding school !

It does seem like 30 years or so, But enjoy what you have today, His gifts in life and family.
NBK said…
Salam. Thank you very much Pakcik for your words of wisdom. I really hope to get to the age you enjoy today, insyaAllah. The taught of the next life do help me ..hi improve my amal which is extremely lacking presently.

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