Alhamdulillah..raya 2014

Tahun ni raya di jam..seronok..berkumpul adik beradik..riuh rendah..makan tengok anak anak kamcing dgn sepupu..macam adik beradik
First time in 20 years masak pagi raya kat rumah sendiri..walau pun tak cukup lengkap still enjoy

Pagi raya solat di surau kondo...alhamdulillah panjang umur dok sini..insyaAllah macam aktif je surau ni..harap ada rezki in future

After solat...


My darling mummy..opah vogue gitew..

Family photo..macam wajib..

Pagi raya serbu sg penchala..tq darling kda n pakngah

Familyyyyy photo..banyak gambar

Second raya..pagi serbu rumah nan..all my sis are superb cooks

Food n family...petang pi lawat tok jah

Malam serbu usj..maklang n paklang..ayam panggang trademark...sugar rush too

Tunggu habuan ;)

Pagi raya ke 3 serbu rumah kita..kecik lantai rumah swimming pool kami tadahkan..


Jamu jamu 

By late noon we were on our way to balik kampunggggg. Malam pi rumah cik maryam

Cik amin..adik bapak

Masak pecel ayam. Kawan dh ..drnajmi datang

Rumah cik ribut..second cousin maryam

Rumah cik julie..

Jalan rumah drlaili

Rumah cik zai

Finally balik kuantan..pagi sabtu terus ke kenduri ustaz zaharuddin

On the 7th..rombongan meminang dr batu pahat ke kelantan

Raya rumah cik zam


Al-Manar said…
Hari Raya is gone and we can hope hhope and pray that we see them again. Someone came to my house today and at the end of his visit he said he promised me exactly one year ago today that he would come. He wrote that against my posting last year.As soon as he left I opened Almanar entry on 15th August last year. Indeed he left a message that he would be here a year from then, ie today.

Coincidentally, you left a message too a yyrar ago. So being reminded of you I am saying hello and salaam hormat to you and family - belated to wish selasmat hari raya. Anyway your entry above shows that you had good family gatherings then.

Let us pray that we will see another Ramadhan .
NBK said…
Alhamdulillah n tq for 'visiting'...indeed Pakcik n family is welcome to our house...if ever you come down to kuantan....norsidah

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