We are left with 11 months ahead..if we are still alive by the end of the year. So what have we achieved so far? New year...new resolutions. I never have any new year resolutions..just doing things that need to be done. So what has been going on. The kids went back to school.
Abang muneer for the first time was appointed as a prefect but the huge improvement in him made me wish I had 'complaint' to the school earlier...ha ha nothing big. Its just that I think he was not given the chance to prove that he can be trained to be leaders. He took pride in the appointment and I can see that he try to emulate good behaviours as taught by teachers n us. He starts to fast every monday n thursday. Getting him to read quran every morning before going to school had become easier. He takes his hafazan task more seriously, currently trying to memorize almulk. He even request tamar to break his fast...something that he dislike previously...masyaAllah..never I see in anyone the effect of a 'small' appointment. I think it improve his self esteem n self respect.... Alhamdullilah..may he persevere with his new 'found' habits.
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