Sepanjang jalan kenangan

Kami tinggal di Rehab Janaddriyyah di Mekah, kira-kira 1 km dari Masjidil Haram. Sekurang-kurangnya kami berjalan 2 km sehari ke masjid. Oleh kerana hotel ini terletak berhampiran jalan besar, kami sering menggunakan van dengan kadar bayaran 2-5 riyal untuk satu perjalanan. Jumlah van berkurangan menjelang 10 zulhijjah kerana lautan manusia tidak mengizinkan kenderaan bergerak di jalan-raya. Pada lawatan pertama kami melalui pintu 79 untuk memasuki masjidil haram. kami kemudiannya lebih banyak menggunakan pintu 62, 64 kerana lebih hamper dari arah hotel.

Jalan utama ke hotel
 Anda pasti terpesona dengan pelbagai warna dan corak telekung, pakaian solat yang digunakan oleh jemaah dari negara lain
 menanti kenderaan?
 merah garang...
 bas di Mekah
 antara kedai di Mekah
 kawasan pembinaan yang perlu ditempuh setiap hari..antara penyumbang kepada batuk berpanjangan (dengan izin Allah jua..:))
 kedai kurma dan kekacang
 5 riyal sebungkus...
 inai serbuk..
 tasbih pelbagai warna
 lorong sempit menuju hotel
 kawasan lapang dihadapan hotel tempat 'melepak' sambil ber'Tango' atau ber'skpye' dengan saudara mara tercinta di Malaysia..:)..juga tempat 'kaki rokok'
 Rehab Janaddriyyah yang menempatkan sekitar 3000 jemaah Malaysia. Terdapat fasiliti pengeluaran wang Tabung Haji, dobi, penghantaran bungkusan, unit kaunselling, unit bantuan kemushkilan haji, klinik, kafetaria dan surau


Al-Manar said…
Knowing that you went for Haj, and not seeing any visits from you, I stopped coming here until I read about the retuurn of groups from Mecca. That prompted me to come over today. Indeed you are back blogging.

I am glad to see your safe return and have been able to write a good accout of your memorable journey that we (with Makcik) took almost 40 years ago! We stayed in one of the hotels just across the road.

People did not climb up the rough path up Jabal Nur. It was very rough then. But I did and was able to say my prayers in the 'cave' with just a few visitors. It was all quiet up there and I could try to assimilate the moments our great prophet in 'communication'.

Alhamdulillah on your safe journey. If you think hard enough you may find something very odd encountered there. Just think and think and you may realise what that is. I believe He giives every one of us a farewell present for accepting His invitation. I have my secret gift of great value to me over the years.

If I had your address I would have privately emailed you the above comment, perhaps slightly longer. Instead I decided to leave it here, further back.

Salaam to you and family.
NBK said…
Assalamualaykum Pakcik. Thank you for 'visiting'..Alhamdulillah this blessed journey is finally done. It has been bugging our minds for sometimes. Pakcik you were 'lucky' as you were much younger than us when you went there..more strength and determination. I m sure the climb to jabal Nour was tougher at your time but you get to experience something that others can just dream of including me. When I was there people were literally pushing their way from the peak of the jabal towards the cave and it did not look very safe especially for ladies. Anyway do visit again Pakcik... Salam to Makcik

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