kesyukuran dan doa selamat...
We managed to hold a small gathering at hubby's hometown, parit maimon parit sulong. We took this oppurtunity to share some happiness and also pray for a safe journey for us who will depart soon for the haj and also for loved ones who are left behind. I ve been part of this kampung for almost 20 years. Unlike previous years when the makciks would gather to prepare the foods now a days we only use the service of the caterer. Gone are the times when they would sit togethar and eat from the talam...though there were some 'setback' with 'makan berdulang' and much easier with the caterer, i do feel that it actually the readon for close relationship among kampung folks in the past. The new generations are busy with work thus getting service from caterer and a buffet-style kenduri make things easier for everyone. Thank you everyone.
Jemputan ke Tanah Suci yang tiada ternilai bandingannya..
Allah SWT panggil Doc suami isteri untuk mensucikan diri dari segala dosa dan bersih seperti bayi yang baru lahir.
Semoga segala ibadah dapat dilaksanakan dengan sempurna dan ikhlas dan berjaya perolehi haji yang mabrur..Ameen..