Lambaian Mu

Oh..Allah..may you ease this journey..for us and the loved ones we leave behind


ska said…
Salam Kak Sidah..

Tahniah dpt pegi haji tahun ni. Alhamdulillah... Sempat lah kita jumpa masa MSPP nanti InsyaAllah.. :)
Al-Manar said…
Congratulations. It is good to be able to perform this while one is young and healthy - leaving a lot of time to reminisce and to repeat when possible.
NBK said…
in syaa Allah SKA..nanti kita date ye..i might not be able to be at the conference since all my lectures are brought forward to the first 2 weeks plus a tutorial..would be hectic during office hour.

Pakcik..tak muda mana doh pun..:)
5 tahun lagi dah separuh abad

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