the unplanned trip
After tarawih we head home. It was pass mid-night when we settled down. Alhamdulillah we had sahur ihsan cik nan again...since banyak lauk lebih we tapau some including sahur done. The next day as DH and abang Muaz went to the ISMA gathering for support towards Presiden Morsi in front of the TH building, mama and the rest waited at the KLCC..and Maryam thought the air pancut looked amazing and requested for photo..and ask if she can swim too..:)
Its not 1 Malaysia...just a gesture?
beautiful day...
Once DH came we quickly head to Nilai and said goodbye to abang Muaz...Alhamdulillah we were home just before iftar and had enough time to drop by Maran bazar to buy some food..
I had a good laugh at my own folliness reading this posting. Just for a moment you imagine yourself readin a script in perfect English and you come across this line " She thought the air pancut looked amaing ...."
I was certain the pancut had been wrongly spelt. I thought of 'air pancake' 'air- tight' 'air punch'??
Finally I realised where I went wrong looking at the picture - water fountain ! Its water not air.
Thank you for witty joke on me.
I frequent your blog because you do not get into the 'trendy' habit of mixed ( I call rojak)language. Cheer up. I did not mean to belittle you in the least. I apologise for making you feel that way.