its not the end of the world....

When i was a student there were few occasions that would cause palpitation..i think its not just me but a universal feeling suffered by those tagged as student...yupp..the time when you sit for the exam and the time when you go to the med school board looking for your result...alhamdulillah never once did i have to reseat a paper. Out of the 21 students that went together under the program there were 3 students who did not complete the course, 2 students took extra 1 year while 3 others completed the course in 8 years. The rest went home and started our career...after 18 years where are we now..the failedmedic student is now a teacher in a boarding school, a manager in a drug company and a housewife with a ? Master in pharmacology..the repeat students are now a psychiatrist and a pathologist..the other twos are gp. I also know 2 other repeaters who are now a radiologist and a nephrologist..all them are highly competent and respected consultant specialists. As a teacher i have to face with students who are at the lowest rank of their batch. Unless i notice obvious disinterest in medicine i would relate to them about this story of my their perseverance pays at the end. These are people who strive hard but due to some problem are not able to achieve their dream as smooth as others. So you guys out there...strive hard and chase your dream in whatever field you love..but remember..never forget Allah


Al-Manar said…
We can claim to know better to tell them it is not the end of the world. Indeed we know better because we have seen success. I do the same adding perhaps that I have gone through failures, not necessarily in academic - in love, in friendship, even in the choice of a home. At the end of it all we have to go back to what is expected of us in our religion, i.e to do our utmost and leave HIM to give us the best, even if it does not seen anywhere near what we need. We have convince ourselves that HE knows best and what we want may land us in trouble. We never know.
NBK said…
Of course comes with age through experience..and i know you have lots more to share especially through your yayasan...
NBK said…
Of course comes with age through experience..and i know you have lots more to share especially through your yayasan...
Ain Mardhiah said…
i shall share this with my juniors.


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