Exam fever
We are currently in the midst of the first profesional exam. It started on the 3rd day of ramadhan, the blessed month. This year i had to correct the essay. Usually i do it in batches and stop short before its too much. You do not warn to mark the paper in negative mood or emotion. As usual the majority are able to answer..but few answered the question as if they never attend your lecture. I really hope they make extra effort before proceeding to the clinical years.
Profesional exam question covers the whole 2 years workload. Within the 4 days exam they have to answer 3 essays questions, 5 short notes (all questions need to be answered), 2 hours of problem based questions, OSPEs and 50 MCQs. The subjects include anatomy, biochemistry, physiology, microbiology, immunology, parasitology, pathology, histology, pharmacolgy and clinical knowledge in PBQ...
I hope all of them can proceed to third year and no one has to reseat the paper. Moga Allah merahmati usaha mereka dan mendapat pulangan setimpal dengan usaha mereka.