
We spent two days for kursus haji intensif at KPM last wednesday. At the end of the two days, we were given a 25-MCQ-questions test paper. Alhamdulillah all participants manage to get more than the 40%. Those who fail will be invited for a one-day intensive simulation which will 'start' from Kelana Jaya till Mekah, a detail 'step-by-step' process. Based on this exercise i would say that i m far from ready....physically or even spiritually. We will only know if we are selected when we get the letter from Tabung syaa Allah during ramadhan or syawal.
 post 'tawaf'
 'safa' to 'marwa'

The Arab Saudi government has decided to cut down 20% of pilgrimage from other countries and 50% of their own due to current state of renovation at Baitullah. One of the instructor reminded us about the 'expected difficulties' ..due to the renovation work since the path for tawaf has been reduced tremendously...May Allah ease this journey...


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