We 'began' this 'whereto?' journey just after the SPM2012 result was out, my son 'tried his luck' by applying to as many scholarship advertised. He applied for UPU and matriculation. We filled forms for Yayasan Tenaga Nasional/ Bank Negara/ Telekom/Permodalan Nasional Berhad/MARA. Out of all this the only feedback that we got was from YTN, PNB and MARA. For MARA and PNB he sat for psychometric test with no interview involved. He was not succesful for YTN. The result for PNB is yet to come out. He got offered to do matriks in Gambang, one of the best matriculation center I was informed. Later we got the UPU result. He chose IIUM Asasi Perubatan as his first choice and USIM tamhidi as second choice. He did not get to be IIUM student. We were waiting for the MARA until 2 days back when he found out that he was not eligible for MEDIC Jordan. So in sya Allah my dear abang muaz is going to be one of the USIM tamhidi student next week. The journey will not be easy as USIM usually offers this 'tamhidi perubatan' to more student than places available for medicine and also dentistry. I ve reminded abang muaz about this and hope he will do his best and accept what ever the outcome. The tamhidi course will be a 1 year program. If thing goes as plan in syaa Allah abang can pursue his dream of becoming a medical student in USIM campus in Pandan Indah. May Allah ease your journey.



hani sabri said…
Susah benor nak masuk uni. Even with straight As. All the best to muaz! :)
NBK said…
sangat competitive ye dik...
Anonymous said…
kenapa tak masuk matrik ja..mudah juga dpt 4flat d sambung medic d IPTA
NBK said…
anon. tq. in syaa will proceed with tamhidi....:) competing among 100 to 120 for 80 seats statistically would give better chance than competing 'for limited medical placement in other ipta especially the one with their own asasi programm plus stpm student ' ie as matriks student. but we are aware of 'minor' disadvantage as usim tamhidi grad since the other courses offered may not be as 'popular' as in other universities. .. tq again.
Al-Manar said…
It is pacipying to our status of high tension to accept what HE says that: what we hope for most may not be good for us, whereas what we try to avoid from is the best choice for us.Muaz will have a place in life. And for sure HIS choice, HE being the Absolute Planner, is the best. Hope Muaz is made to accept this eality rather than unnecessary extra pressure. I pray the best for Muaz as for my two grandchildren - one having proceded on his way towards Mechanical Eng and the other intent on doing the difficult STPM at the school he would not want to part from until then.
NBK said…
Thank you uncle Al-Manar..very 'soothing words'for this 'ever-anxious' mother..All the best too to the 2 grandchildren
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
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Al-Manar said…
My comment above deserved to be denied being published by you. It is simply gibberish. I am ashamed to read what I wrote at half past three in the morning. My mind was thinking of something but fingers did not do their job. I beg for your apology. The opening line should read :

It is pacifying to our state of high tension we often have to face, if we accept what HE says ……….
NBK said…
Asm uncle..i m very sure this 'little' typo error is not done intentionally...and your comment is always welcome and worth reading

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