Options in life

While i m writing this, my dear muaz is probably on his way to ilsas, ytn in kajang. Though mama and ayah are not there, his dear cousin aiman is there to help him to reach the place. Thousands thanks to aiman, kda, abg sabri n gang sg. Penchala. Once the result is out the spm leavers have to start making applications to various places to study, except for kpm matriculation. Application for matrix is done while students are still in form 5. So ds has applied for gambang matriculation centr,e as it is the nearest to home. Apart from that students can apply various scholarships offered based on their spm results. Based on his result he can apply to few ie the mara convertible loan, telekom local and oversea, ytn local and oversea, mmc oversea, and bank negara..not the kijang emas though. He was however not qualified for petronas as they have increased the requirement to a minimum of 8a+. There are several others like khazanah national etc but we did not proceed as we do ukur baju to our own body..:). Apart from that the most important for us is the UPU. All these applications need to be completed by certain dates, thus as parents (especially) first timer like us, need to be alert. I encourage ds to attend any available camps or interviews as i think he should give himself a chance to choose and not fix to one option as yet. I encouraged him to seek some info from students blogs as i found out that quite a number of them had shared their experiences on various interviews and camps. Alhamdulillah i also get to arrange a mock session with  my collegues for him. Just like any race in life we know that we win sometimes and we lose sometimes...i told ds to take this as part of his experience in life. Either we win or lose, there are certainly benefits that we gain along the way..and dont forget to enjoy and make new friends too.


shaty said…
as salam .. ure right and ure giving the right advice to ur son. He should be grateful cos his parents are educated people and are able to help him more than he hope for. wish him good luck.
NBK said…
WSM, thank you shaty...our prays are always with them, in sya Allah
Al-Manar said…
I feel sorry for children who come from the outline areas who do not score those number of A's as prereqisite to application to choice places/schoolarships. Durin their school days they are made to spend so much time on extra-curricular acivities. Here, in my area, they say 'wajib'. Bow having spent that much time and getting the number of A's they are being marginalised.
NBK said…
yes very true uncle.. but with 'limited sources'we have no choice but need to meet the initial requirment ie strings of As plus the good co-curiculum mark. all the scholarship forms have sections for sport,club, level of leadership achieved particularly in form 4 and 5 detailing to what level of participation ie school, district,state, nation. thus those selected are mostly leaders, sportsman,athlete, active students at school. i think my son is the minority in term of school where they come from because majority of them are products of mrsm, sbp like sekolah sains etc. having said this i believe those 'unfortunate' should be given venues to go further and i think presently there are available but maybe not enough.

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