A recap..:)
Abang Muaz dapat 3A
Semalam abang ambil result UPSR. Dari malam sebelumnya mama dah berdebar. Mengalah kan orang yg ambil result. I asked my son. "How do you feel if you dont obtain a single A". He said he will be embarrassed. Poor son. So when morning came I was the one who had butterflies in my tummy. I can not concentrate doing anything yet I had promised my supervisor that I will give her some results. So I went to ukm, put my GPx and SOd results at her door. After Zohor I went to Al-Amin. I was early. About 2 pm I went inside. Oh no I wont get the result as I havent paid his December tuition fee. Quickly I went to the office and with my credit card made the payment. There Muaz receive his result. Alhamdulilah he got 3A's and 2 B's. I m happy for him but Muaz seemed not very happy with his result. He said earlier that he expected 4A's. BM Pemahaman he was OK with a B but not science. I was surprised too as I know that he understand well andcan answer well too based on my discussion with him. I was thinking that the possible leak question has something to do with it... Ayah was happy with abang's result. So did nenek and opah. So this morning I sent the form for recheck to Lembaga peperiksaan Malaysia. Now that I have experienced with Muaz I can gauge the need for extra help in future. I m satisfied with Muaz result as he started year 6 without a single A in his report card. He was even put in the last class of 3. Yet he managed to improve and I personally is happy with his grasp in math and science. I know my son can do better in future. He also did not get extra tuition except from additional class at school by his teachers. Thank you to all teachers in Al-Amin. I think you have done wonderful job for Muaz. To any other parents who have 'not-so-brainy' child, dont give up. My son's report card was full with 'lipstick' before this but he managed to improve himself. Alhamdullilah.
9 pats on your back
Alhamdulillah, though we dont get any year end bonus this year, both hubby and me were granted with 'bigger' surprise this time as darling son..muaz....'shocked' both of us with his straight A's in PMR. He got A for all 9 subjects and Cemerlang for all kerja kursus. Mama dan ayah mengucapkan tahniah kepada abang Muaz..Semoga abang lebih bersungguh-sungguh untuk peperiksaan SPM 2012. Semoga Allah memudahkan jalan hidup abang. Mama and ayah will always love you disregard of your exam result.
Abang Muaz dapat 3A
Semalam abang ambil result UPSR. Dari malam sebelumnya mama dah berdebar. Mengalah kan orang yg ambil result. I asked my son. "How do you feel if you dont obtain a single A". He said he will be embarrassed. Poor son. So when morning came I was the one who had butterflies in my tummy. I can not concentrate doing anything yet I had promised my supervisor that I will give her some results. So I went to ukm, put my GPx and SOd results at her door. After Zohor I went to Al-Amin. I was early. About 2 pm I went inside. Oh no I wont get the result as I havent paid his December tuition fee. Quickly I went to the office and with my credit card made the payment. There Muaz receive his result. Alhamdulilah he got 3A's and 2 B's. I m happy for him but Muaz seemed not very happy with his result. He said earlier that he expected 4A's. BM Pemahaman he was OK with a B but not science. I was surprised too as I know that he understand well andcan answer well too based on my discussion with him. I was thinking that the possible leak question has something to do with it... Ayah was happy with abang's result. So did nenek and opah. So this morning I sent the form for recheck to Lembaga peperiksaan Malaysia. Now that I have experienced with Muaz I can gauge the need for extra help in future. I m satisfied with Muaz result as he started year 6 without a single A in his report card. He was even put in the last class of 3. Yet he managed to improve and I personally is happy with his grasp in math and science. I know my son can do better in future. He also did not get extra tuition except from additional class at school by his teachers. Thank you to all teachers in Al-Amin. I think you have done wonderful job for Muaz. To any other parents who have 'not-so-brainy' child, dont give up. My son's report card was full with 'lipstick' before this but he managed to improve himself. Alhamdullilah.
9 pats on your back
Alhamdulillah, though we dont get any year end bonus this year, both hubby and me were granted with 'bigger' surprise this time as darling son..muaz....'shocked' both of us with his straight A's in PMR. He got A for all 9 subjects and Cemerlang for all kerja kursus. Mama dan ayah mengucapkan tahniah kepada abang Muaz..Semoga abang lebih bersungguh-sungguh untuk peperiksaan SPM 2012. Semoga Allah memudahkan jalan hidup abang. Mama and ayah will always love you disregard of your exam result.
"ACED in SPM does not guarantee ACED in career and financial life"..
BUT for once can I say ...YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEE anak mama dapat 11A..:).
ok now (sober) back to real life...