cny 2013 homesweethome

 indeed that s where we spent our packed 5 days cny holiday. starting from bp to melaka to kl now back in kuantan. in bp we were greeted by in laws nieces n nephews. we spread the thin bedspread in front of the tv and enjoyed the cerekarama titled suamiku jururawat which was quite fun. early morning was very cold and we pulled each others blankets as we didnt bring enough. sunday morning we drove to melaka with 2 other cars. a short stint at the wedding before we continued the journey to kl. that little house in damansara was jam packed with 20 people yet the guests still enjoyed each others presence. its infectious. we just tapau food for those too tired to get out of the house. the next day they had good time at the pool. again dh tapau food for bf and later lunch. despite the packed schedule i managed to attend an old friend's wedding. some of the kids went to kidzania thanks to wak salleh's generosity :). around 10 pm after dinner the bp gang went to sil house in wm. early tuesday morning went to see opah n mngah. by noon we were already at home waiting gang kuale. the little ones had a great time splashing in the pool...alhamdulillah sempat berendam this morning before we depart for kuantan b4 lunch time


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