Thats what I felt this morning when my son who was waiting for the van to school called me and said.."mama..anak apa tu"..eeeeeeeeeeee..tergolek-golek 'benda pink' ni di tepi pasu..Memang rasa macam nak wek wek masa tu. Terus pandang ke tempat lain dan terpekik-pekik memanggil bibik.."Bik cepat, tolong tu anak arnab kat hujan..sure sejuknye.. Kita yang berbaju ni pun sejuk inikan dia baru lahir". Before seeing that pinky thing i noticed the 'parents' were acting pornographically..Ishh ish..rupanye mak dia baru beranak, bapak dia dah buat kurang ajar..Anak tergolek kat hujan dua-dua buat dunno..But what say you..Manusia yang Tuhan bagi cerebrum n cerebellum pun can throw their baby ni kan pulak haiwan yang berkaki empat. Any way, bibik yang berani telah mengangkat the little pinky thing masuk dalam kotak beralas kain. Ligat fikiran saya, apa nak buat ye..I called my mum who is expert in many things..She suggested few things based on her experience with newborn rabbit (sebab cousin kita bela arnab dekat belakang rumah opah). I made quick reading on how to care for newborn rabbit. We cant feed it with baby formula milk..kena beli special milk for it. Around noon, i bought the formula milk and the bedding for it..Bibik wrapped the baby nicely in cloth than tried feeding it. It didnt look that 'gooeey' to me by that time. Once bibik wrapped it properly, i started feeding it with the syringe, alhamdulillah..pandai pulak la si kenit ni icap cucu..ishh alahai mula lah nak cakap style baby...We close the top of the box. Hopefully it can survive this harsh few days. I think we need to do something to the parents who are still showing their free styles here and there. Nanti beranak lagi n lagi n lagi, macam mana? Sapa nak bertanggung jawab....eeuuwwwwwwwwww