That time of the year...
With first profesional coming in about 2 weeks time, the students are cracking their heads trying to cram all the 2 years lecture note in their head..The exam questions are ready while some revision classes are being held by lecturers based on students request. Since the year 1 students are having their epidemiology block we see less faces of students these days. The days are less hectics since I ve completed marking all the Y1B3 and Y2B4 answer scripts. With 2 essays, 1 short note, 1 PBQ and 4 ospes x 250 students you can imagine the pressure at this time of the year. I usually mark the papers in small groups with rest in between to make sure that the students answer are given the best and fair attention and marks accordingly. Entering the mark into the system is another headache..InsyaAllah tomorrow the board meeting will be held and hopefully everyone of the second year students will be able to sit for Pro exam. I pray for them. With more than 20 years age difference i see them now more like my children. Scolding them, out of care and love. Bila marah kat lelaki macam marahkan muaz and bila sound budak perempuan macam marahkan sarah..In about 2 weeks time when the Pro finish we ll scratch our head again to make sure they are marked within 3-4 days..InsyaAllah boleh. In the mean time 1 PhD thesis to read as internal examiner and 1 PhD proposal to come out soon.........but where s the student?