Phineas and Ferb fan

This boy is 10. He is an avid reader or Wimpy kid. Since he has all the collections of Wimpy kid diary, he got a Nate series for his bday. He is craze about these books. He will be reading while walking, at escalator, in lift at mall. If only he read his other book like this..sigh..;)

He was the youngest for 8 years...but was never pampered. Now he is the only big kid at home so he has no excuse but to help mama. "Muneer..pick up your pinggan n glass n please wash"..he ll say ok but he ll do it after 5 - 10 minutes...arrrggggghh

Mama always remind him to prepare his things for school the night before..but in the morning.."Ma mana saya punya kopiah?"..huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....

But he adores this 'kaki buli' very much..whatever she does..its always.."aaahhhhh comellllllllllllllllllllll" and always have to mengalah when she starts to scream..'nak apad (ipad..) hihi ..

HAPPY 10 BDAY abang muneer. mama n ayah loves you very much, just like others too. Mama berdoa abang Muneer jadi anak soleh, berjaya dunia dan akhirat..Jangan culas baca quran before going to school...make it your daily habit



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