short but sweet..

Syukur alhamdulillah, Allah permudahkan perjalanan pergi balik KL. Sempat ke Jusco Keramat untuk beli Apple donut sebab ada chop halal JAKIM..yang kat Kuantan ni bila lah nak make the effort to get the certification. Early Sunday morning we sent the 2 kiddos to Subang airport and alhamdulillah within an hour dah selamat sampai JB. Syukur anak-anak atas nikmat yang Allah bagi..memudahkan urusan kalian. We dropped by at Village Park on the way back..makan roti bakar..;). Before noon we were already at Kti's in laws house for the kenduri. Memang rezeki nak makan umbut kelapa masak lemak. Lauk kenduri gotong royong memang best. By 4 pm we were already in Kuantan. And by night there were only four of us .....We ll meet again insyaAllah


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