'Malas n lonely day'

This morning there was an interesting talk by Prof Dr. Paul Symonds, Leicester Uni UK on Cancer: Past, Present and Future. A personal perspective. He is an oncologist. The gist of the talk basically emphasized on the role of radiotherapy in oncology treatment which probably is 'underutilised' here especially in Kuantan since we dont even have expert and equipment for radiotherapy treatment for cancer patient. Its very heartening to know that in general the survival for cancer has indeed improved as compared to 20 or 40 years ago. And the bulk of the success which probably not known to many is due to surgical treatment. Bravo to my other half! almost 50% improvement in survival is credited to the surgeon ..When Allah Wills something, that is exactly what happens.....hi hi..while only about 11% is due to chemotherapy and yet more 'hu ha' is given to this modality of treatment....opps macam lari tajuk pulak..Ye lah memang lonely sebab lunch time pi ECM sorang-sorang carik baju untuk Maryam yang semua dah kecik...seronok beli baju baby tapi mahal-mahal jugak. And the malas part? Yelah sebab selalu balik lunch singgah rumah sapu sampah. Hari ni malas. lantaklah kain dalam mesin basuh pagi tadi tak sidai. Sikit je pun. Kot balik nanti dah kering lagi bagus boleh lipat..or pakai terus..ha ha ha..sohihhhh malas..


dr no tulisan tu susah nak baca...kita mata rabun....:)
yang ni memang teraaaaang...hehe...

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