Stromy Sultry Singapore

Alhamdulillah akhirnya dapat pi Singapore...ha ha..We only had one day to browse through the island. Though we faced some 'minor' ha ha problem at the immigration, we managed to set foot at the island that night. Since the time is so short we went back to JB and settled for the night. The next day we managed to go to the zoo..Walau pun tak pi jalan mana sangat kecuali ke zoo, tapi puas sekurang-kurangnya dah tau jalan-jalan di sana. InsyaAllah lepas ni setiap kali tengok kakak and abang bolehlah kita pusing-pusing pergi banyak tempat yang tak sempat dilawati..

Melepasi Tambak Johor

Hujan berhenti sekejap..

Tunggu ayah beli tiket

Zoo singapore menarik...

Ayah and the gang jalan dulu sebab hari hujan, mama and Maryam stayed back ..

Entrance .....

Harimau terkurang pencelup..ha ha..:)

Ayah and the gang fetched mama and Maryam when the rain stopped but later drizzled..Alhamdulillah we purchased the tram tak lah perlu berjalan...

Tak dapat bergambar dengan gajah betul..yang batu pun ok


Singgah makan dan ke Mustapha Centre..tengok-tengok je..:)

Round to Sentosa Island..dah petang dan gerimis...

Tak jumpa Merlion yang time k..

All in all we had great time together..Syukran Ya Allah


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