Cancer...who s next?

Talking about cancer nowadays is not like 10 years ago. Yup..about 10 years ago I was the MO incharge of Palliative unit in HTAA. I dealt with patients who had terminal in day out. I was used to being called at 3 am in the morning, to sign mortuary form. And usually i knew who was the person as i cared for them during the day. Yup we provide the best for them, but not cure..But today when the conversation about cancer crop in..its not about Mr so and so or Ms so and so but our friends..Yup at this age my friends get cancer. Either close or distant but its our generation. And instead of the 'predictable' cancer with 2-5 years of life expectancy we are talking about a person whom was busy working last few months and now dead...They left us so quick we thought we are dreaming..Yet its not a dream and indeed we lost our loved one so fast that we dont even get the chance to sit down and cry....things move so fast. They come with some pain in the tummy or difficulty to swallow..and when investigated, its already reaching to many parts of the body...So, dont be so 'complacent'..cause you ll never know ....


Unknown said…
Yes, now selang seminggu rasanya dapat berita kawan cancer (and ketakutan pun menjalar ke seluruh jiwa).
NBK said…
tu lah kti...kawan nor tengah radiotherapy kat hkl, breast cancer 3rd stage, friend's of collegue..sakit perut and period banyak rupanya cancer dan merebak dalam perut, another one yg kawan salleh tu lah..esophagus cancer..dari mula sedar sakit 3 bulan je Allah dah panggil..Ajal maut Allah dah tentukan tapi pedihnya memang pasti terasa
NBK said…
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ska said…
kak sidah, dah setahun lebih dah ayah sy dr first dia diagnosed as hepar ca dulu. in a way, sy bersyukur sbb diberikan masa yg pjg ni supaya kami adik beradik dpt spend masa yg lama dgn ayah. at least kami dah prepared. mmg berat bahu yg menanggung tp nak buat mcm mana.. sekarang ni ayah sy kat hospital. mlm ni turn sy overnite di hosp jaga dia. td dia dah ckp yg bukan2 mcm dia nak pergi.. harap2nye it's a post-morphine effect saja..
NBK said…
SKA, betul tu..alhamdulillah ya dapat dia tenko kd kawin, kenal hubby kd...ada rezki sempat dia tengok cucu....sabar ya dalam menempuh ujian Allah ni.terutama buat ayah kd
Unknown said…
When we see our patients and able to diagnose their problems, it feels like we have triumphed in our quest to look for the root of their problems, but, there were times especially when it comes to cancer that I wished I didn't have to find out, so they don't have to know about the evil diagnosis and make many lives miserable. (my 2 cents)

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