A week of misery in nursery

I ve got five kids. None of them ever stayed at the nursery as babies. Yes muaz and sarah were once sent to a nursery for few months but they were toddlers and were able to speak and walkabout then. Maryam unfortunately had to go through the experience. I sent her to the IIUM Educare after her first birthday. Unfortunately the experience for her and me were not great. She was unhappy up to day 5 at the nursery. All I can say is that Educare had good staff, unfortunately I think they are overburdened, especially those looking after the babies. maryam was there with other 8 babies ( and 2 carers). The two staff who managed them hardly had time for themselves. In that 10 x 15 sq feet area, the babies roam around, many with running nose (and of course makan hingus sendiri..). I hardly hear any of them laugh. They either cry or were quite. Apart from basic needs attended too, I dont see any other stimulating activities. As for Maryam? She didnt drink much of her milk (most babies there are able to hold their own bottle but Maryam is an exceptional)..or eat as much. She was there up to Friday and by saturday start developing yellowish nasal discharge, high fever. She also vomited few times and loose stool. So what can I do in this situation as I know my baby will not thrive well in this situation..so I contacted my 'life saver'..hi hi sapa lagi kalau bukan kak sal. Alhamdulillah..now Maryam is back with kak sal. I dont know for how long. Let it go day by day. All I want is Maryam to get back to her old self. One noisy active baby who love to eat....What will happen in future. I dont know. I hope the maid who is coming will be like my other previous good maids whom I trust and get well acquinted with quickly. If thing doesnt turn right, I may have to resort to unpaid leave. May Allah help me and my baby...and kak sal too


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