I m 9...Yay and alhamdulillah

On Saturday mama, kak munirah and opah help organised a small event for darling muneer. Muneer celebrated his 9 th. birthday. Though ayah, abang and kak sarah were not around, we still go on. Just to let muneer enjoyed his Bday. With 5 friends along, muneer really had fun time. After makan makan session abang and the gang enjoyed splashing water ballon...:)

Muneer s being attacked

Filling up the ballon

Makan makan

Abang nak kek Ben 10..from Fiza

Abang n d gang..

Yay..cheer up with ballons

The organisers


happy birthday to muneer...

elok no buat wall tu...more privacy...
hani sabri said…
Ya Allah Maryam ku !!! SUDAH BESARRR! tak sabar nak jumpa. Happy birthday to Muneer. Mcm best je Opah jd organizer bday party. haha
NBK said…
opah d party planner..:)

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