Happy Teacher's Day..and Thank You

Though the students do not call me teacher, I still consider myself a teacher because I teach. I ve always wanted to become a doctor as far as I can remember...but never a teacher.. I do not know how that idea get stuck in my head since earlier on when I was small none of the close relative was a doctor. This idea get stronger when I was in the secondary school. More and more of my seniors at school enrolled into this course, so as a cousin brother. But one thing for sure I ve always associated the medical course with the creme de la creme when it comes to examination result. This was a drive for me to strive to do my best...The same spirit allows me to breeze through my medical course. Then come the actual life as a doctor. Though I enjoyed my work and love it, I loathe on-call duty. Fortunately there are other alternatives to just being 'stuck' in the ward with on-call duty. Firstly I thought of embarking into general practitioner life. But no..no..that was not in my hubby's list. He said if I want to be in GP I would have to deal it on my own as he was not interested since he was interested to become a surgeon. And I was aware that being a GP is not going to be easy if done alone...So bye bye GP. Next when hubby was offered to do his surgery I also manage to get a place to do Family Medicine. But that was more than ten years ago. For some reason I did not proceed and decided that maybe it was best for hubby to go first. Once when I was in the palliative care unit I was persuaded many time by Dr. Gerard Lim the oncologist to pursue Master in oncology but since there was no local program at that time, the only choice was to go oversea. But that was not a palatable idea either to me though I was happy to be involved with the treatment of cancer patients. By this time our hospital quarters was exactly behind The IIUM campus. I became interested to be part of this institution. I went to see the Dean and discuss with him about my interest. I was advised to consider doing pathology. Again, the idea of moving out of Kuantan was not acceptable to me. I finally get a place for Master in my current field in this institution at last. I was happy as I just need to walk approximately 200 m to be in my new office/lab etc. It was 'heaven'. I was able to see the kids often. I completed my Master and started my new career as 'teacher'...:) After all the years of ward rounds, on-calls, out patients, deliver etc..I finally found something that I love and enjoy, without 'sacrificing' my time with my kids. But being in the tertiary institution, a Master qualification alone was not enough. Thus by 2004 I started looking for new place to do my PhD as there was sort of regulation for lecturer to qualify from other than her/his own place of work. After sending some proposal I finally got an offer letter from The University of Liverpool. Due to some circumstances I let go the offer and finally went to UKM. Alhamdulillah after all the sweat and tears, i finally received a letter of confirmation from UKM Senate that I am now officially a qualified PhD holder starting from 21st. February 2011. And with that I hope that I ll be able to better teach my dear students..........


Unknown said…
selamat HAri Guru Dr Norsidah....(kagum)
NBK said…
tak belanja cikgu kapkek? :)
Unknown said…
ha'ah..makteh cikgu..kakak lupa plak...

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