Cikgu Shidah Dari Parit
Saya baru kenal cikgu shidah itu pun sebab baca paper kira ketinggalan zaman lah jugak saya. Video "bila berpacaran' yang saya pertama tengok. Baru lah saya google yang lain. Rupa-rupanya gempak celebrity juga cikgu dari parit ni. Mulanya saya ingat dia orang jawa sebab di batu pahat banyak parit. Rupa-rupanya Parit Perak.
Entah kenapa saya berpandangan positif atas aktiviti beliau walau pun saya tidak bersetuju dgn tindakan beliau yang kelihatannya tidak bertudung tapi bersongkok sewaktu menyanyikan lagu Bila berpacaran. Aurat tetap aurat.
Apa yang menarik perhatian saya pelbagai komen negatif dan positif yang diterimanya. Saya juga melihat gambar beliau bersama-sama murid. Saya tidak tau peribadi beliau ketika di sekolah. Tapi saya rasa beliau bukan guru yang 'skema'.
Apa ya guru yang skema? Entah lah saya pun tak begitu arif..yang pasti saya pun selalu juga di'andai'kan sebagai cikgu..terutamanya bila berdepan dengan 'apek' atau 'nyonya'..."Cikgu nak beli apa".."Awak kerja apa? Cikgu ya?"..atau "cikgu mari tengok ini barang"...Kalau mood saya mood 'malas' saya akan senyum and layan ..kalau mood tengah 'jahat' saya cakap.." Saya doktor ...bukan cikgu"..sometimes depa happy bila dengar saya doktor..sometimes depa senyum kelat..
Kenapa agaknya depa panggil saya cikgu..Pertama mungkin depa ingat setakat cikgu jelah orang kita larat belajar (No hard feeling teachers..) atau kemungkinan paling besar, penampilan saya yang macam cikgu...macam mana yek..standard baju kurung bunga-bunga, tudung and handbag sampoi, selipar BATA..:). Jangan marah cikgu..saya rasa ramai yang berpenampilan lebih menarik.
Berbalik kepada cikgu Shida ni..penampilan dia saya rasa macam cikgu lain lah, tapi 'keberanian' atau pada sesetengah orang lain,'kegilaan' dia yang unik pada saya. Saya sendiri tidak punya keberanian setinggi itu..walau pun peningkatan usia sedikit sebanyak membantu kita lebih biasa dengan pengucapan awam.
Saya 'terkongkong' oleh 'peer-pressure' sejak dari sekolah. Saya membesar dalam persekitaran sekolah yang mana keupayaan menonjol diri agak terbatas kecuali kepada mereka yang punya dua perkara ini..'dont care attitude' or 'physical attraction'. And at that young age and at school, I dont believe I have either. So I focussed on my study....
My point is, I see Cikgu Shida as an alternative 'role model' for people in this category. I m not saying that she is not 'attractive', but she is not "erra fazira, diana danielle or maya karin' type.
Ada ramai pelajar di sekolah rendah dan menengah seolah-olah 'invisible' di mata guru. Bukan sebab guru 'pilih kasih' tapi mungkin 'terlepas pandang'. banyak aktiviti-aktiviti di sekolah terlepas kepada the 'brainy', 'the beuty/handsome' atau the 'loud'. Yang agak lemah, senyap, tak berapa chumel, comot skit..pi dok diam-diam kat tepi kelas no, cikgu nak practise dengan anak-anak murid terpilih.
This 'invisible' groups grow up in the school compound for 11 years 'being sidelined'. Where do you think they go after or even before the 11 years school term finished?..Yup if they are lucky they may have some support from outside to actually polish themselves and shine outside the school. But I believe many of these kids made up a big chunk of those growing statictic of Mat Rempit, Minah rempit, Bohjan, etc..etc. Why? These are the groups where they can can join. Neither looks no brain are required..But their self esteem boost like a rocket once they join this group..Why?
So back to Cikgu shidah. I read some comment about her being a bad example. Do you think kids that adore her will end up wearing sexy, skimpy shirt with thick make-up, colored hair? Or school bully who beat up other school mate? Or student who absconded from school because they are bored with the monotonous presentation from the teacher?..
I dont know but I dont think so. I think she entertains her student and they have fun at school. I think with her style, many students who are shy, who dont have much confidence in themselves, will step forward and join 'her crazy band'..and be able to become more succesful it in academic or co-curiculum..
And I think she is very update and good with IT...something that many teachers and even others do not have the skill and she is not even from a 'cluster' or any other 'special-type' school..She is in Parit..ha ha..
Bravo Cikgu Shidah..I hope you can help many students become creative in the positive sense..and be confident with them selves...
Entah kenapa saya berpandangan positif atas aktiviti beliau walau pun saya tidak bersetuju dgn tindakan beliau yang kelihatannya tidak bertudung tapi bersongkok sewaktu menyanyikan lagu Bila berpacaran. Aurat tetap aurat.
Apa yang menarik perhatian saya pelbagai komen negatif dan positif yang diterimanya. Saya juga melihat gambar beliau bersama-sama murid. Saya tidak tau peribadi beliau ketika di sekolah. Tapi saya rasa beliau bukan guru yang 'skema'.
Apa ya guru yang skema? Entah lah saya pun tak begitu arif..yang pasti saya pun selalu juga di'andai'kan sebagai cikgu..terutamanya bila berdepan dengan 'apek' atau 'nyonya'..."Cikgu nak beli apa".."Awak kerja apa? Cikgu ya?"..atau "cikgu mari tengok ini barang"...Kalau mood saya mood 'malas' saya akan senyum and layan ..kalau mood tengah 'jahat' saya cakap.." Saya doktor ...bukan cikgu"..sometimes depa happy bila dengar saya doktor..sometimes depa senyum kelat..
Kenapa agaknya depa panggil saya cikgu..Pertama mungkin depa ingat setakat cikgu jelah orang kita larat belajar (No hard feeling teachers..) atau kemungkinan paling besar, penampilan saya yang macam cikgu...macam mana yek..standard baju kurung bunga-bunga, tudung and handbag sampoi, selipar BATA..:). Jangan marah cikgu..saya rasa ramai yang berpenampilan lebih menarik.
Berbalik kepada cikgu Shida ni..penampilan dia saya rasa macam cikgu lain lah, tapi 'keberanian' atau pada sesetengah orang lain,'kegilaan' dia yang unik pada saya. Saya sendiri tidak punya keberanian setinggi itu..walau pun peningkatan usia sedikit sebanyak membantu kita lebih biasa dengan pengucapan awam.
Saya 'terkongkong' oleh 'peer-pressure' sejak dari sekolah. Saya membesar dalam persekitaran sekolah yang mana keupayaan menonjol diri agak terbatas kecuali kepada mereka yang punya dua perkara ini..'dont care attitude' or 'physical attraction'. And at that young age and at school, I dont believe I have either. So I focussed on my study....
My point is, I see Cikgu Shida as an alternative 'role model' for people in this category. I m not saying that she is not 'attractive', but she is not "erra fazira, diana danielle or maya karin' type.
Ada ramai pelajar di sekolah rendah dan menengah seolah-olah 'invisible' di mata guru. Bukan sebab guru 'pilih kasih' tapi mungkin 'terlepas pandang'. banyak aktiviti-aktiviti di sekolah terlepas kepada the 'brainy', 'the beuty/handsome' atau the 'loud'. Yang agak lemah, senyap, tak berapa chumel, comot skit..pi dok diam-diam kat tepi kelas no, cikgu nak practise dengan anak-anak murid terpilih.
This 'invisible' groups grow up in the school compound for 11 years 'being sidelined'. Where do you think they go after or even before the 11 years school term finished?..Yup if they are lucky they may have some support from outside to actually polish themselves and shine outside the school. But I believe many of these kids made up a big chunk of those growing statictic of Mat Rempit, Minah rempit, Bohjan, etc..etc. Why? These are the groups where they can can join. Neither looks no brain are required..But their self esteem boost like a rocket once they join this group..Why?
So back to Cikgu shidah. I read some comment about her being a bad example. Do you think kids that adore her will end up wearing sexy, skimpy shirt with thick make-up, colored hair? Or school bully who beat up other school mate? Or student who absconded from school because they are bored with the monotonous presentation from the teacher?..
I dont know but I dont think so. I think she entertains her student and they have fun at school. I think with her style, many students who are shy, who dont have much confidence in themselves, will step forward and join 'her crazy band'..and be able to become more succesful it in academic or co-curiculum..
And I think she is very update and good with IT...something that many teachers and even others do not have the skill and she is not even from a 'cluster' or any other 'special-type' school..She is in Parit..ha ha..
Bravo Cikgu Shidah..I hope you can help many students become creative in the positive sense..and be confident with them selves...