May you rest in peace

On wednesday last week 05012011 I was shocked by a phone call from DH that my friend Dr.Mazlan had a heart attack. He was in CCu for 3 days and finally succumbed to this MI on 7th. Jan 2011. It was a sad day for us MATES 2 who have knowm this dear friend of us. We went to gether to Adelaide in 1988. We were very close to each others. There were 31 of us. We lived in adelaide like true brothers and sisters. Helping each other in need. Our mazlan has been helpful as he was keen in business, helping us getting halal chicken in Adelaide town. He has gone leaving his wife and 5 kids. InsyAllah ..Allah permudahkan lah buat yang tinggal dan juga buat sahabat ku Dr. Mazlan Razali.

Whenever I go to Kuantan town, I ll pass by this perkuburan islam di Jln Bkt Ubi and there my friend..May you rest in peace


terasa amat sedih dalam hati kakda, walaupun tak kenal tapi tahu persahabatan yang buat dr mazlan...:(
NBK said…
thanx kda...bila member baik dah passed away rasa turn kita pun makin dekat
Jun said…
salam....takziah...sedih plak baca...sorry, terjumpa blog ni thru kak ida 1001resepi...btw, kuatagh? mrsm ktn? tahun bila? hehe...byk tanya plak...
Jun kakida reply on behalf of my sis ya...dia belajar kat MRSM dari 1981 to 1985 before further ke Australia selama 7 tahun...
NBK said…
Thanx kda..sori jun..U MRSM jugak?..:) blog u happening with food..mcm kda.
Jun said…
thanx kak student lah ye...if kuantan, kita junior sket,, 83-87. kalau mrsm ktn, so sorry..cant recall la..nk kna sekeh ni, x ingat senior..wakakka

psst! blog kita sempoi j food dia..sbb org umah yg x brape rajin, hahaha

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