Maal hijrah..2010

Alhamdulillah semalam telah ku pos thesis kepada supervisor. And semalam jugak abang muaz balik ke JB. He will be there for about 2 weeks for his tahfiz class. Today darling hubby is busy with ISMA khatan program in Kemaman. Hope everything goes well for everyone. Muneer also was khataned by ayah 2 days ago and now recuperating. As for me, I managed to purchase some material for munirah's new uniform Alhamdulillah she was selected as a prefect for next year. And I also send some materials bought by kda from Vietnam, so I ll have new 'uniform' to go to work. This morning the yayasan Amal guy came and picked up all the recycle items that I ve packed in the last few weeks. Phew lega sungguh. There is still lots of things in the store that I can pack and recycle.

As the year coming to the end, a lot of things need to be done and plan, well. There s nothing I hope for the new year, be it maal hijrah or tahun baru. I hope I ll be a better wife, mum, daughter, sibling, lecturer. Need to sharpen up few other things that have been neglected quite sometimes especially quranic reading and tajwid. Moga Allah masih beri kesempatan ke arah itu. Amin


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