
Salam. Hari minggu dah berakhir. We had DH for saturday. That was good. He was quite busy lately with ISMA program, thus having him all to ourselves during weekend was superb. We didnt do any extravaganza things just drove to Tg Lumpur had a nice time munching kepok lekor, otak otak, sata and some other kueh mueh, together with air kelapa muda. That was enough to uplift my spirit...ha ha ..I m easy to satisfy..Yesterday the girls went up Bukit Panorama while DH drove to Kemaman. I think that was good outdoor activity though kakak was not as excited as adik..Biasa lah kakak prefer the coolness of and airconditioned room, unlike adik who love outdoor activities. As for abg muneer he finally decided that he had enough of PS2 and video game that he plead to play his bicycle. Pegi lah..sapa suruh dok dalam rumah. The funny thing was, bila berjalan terpegang pegang seluar (post sunat lah katakan) but can 'tawaf' around with his bicycle..macam macam. So this morning DH started his journey to KL early at 5 am for a day course in KL. Moga Allah permudahkan urusan....


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