kepala kosong
Sebagaimana kosong nya blog ni begitulah juga kepala otakku buat masa ni..nope, am not complaining. Am happy actually after years of carrying around the'PhD'burden, now that the viva is over..I feel so relief. since monday I ve started going back to the office. Since the lectures have all been delivered I dont have much work to worry about for this block. The second year students will have their exam after aidil adha and the third block for the first year student will only start in jan. I went to the office after giving baby her bath and feed her. Then i expressed the milk, whatever amount left. Then off to work. around noon i rushed back, feed baby again and expressed some more milk. I hope to feed her my milk at least up to monday 8th. october, when she will turn 5 month. Even though i want to breast feed her as often as possible i also do not want to put much pressure on myself. so far so good.
i wonder why is that when i no longer am that busy, the FB seemed to also lost its zest. Unlike last few months, I no longer am hook to FB. And i feel great about it. At least i know that i m not FBoholic...:)I think my previous interest towards FB was just an escapism...Now that the threat is over I no longer need to 'entertain' myself with FB....alhamdulilah