School part 2
Last Tuesday was a very tiring day. early in the morning we rushed to Pekan to JAIP to get letter for sarah's school. Yup Sarah is now in Sekolah Al-Ihsan, a state owned sekolah agama. Why do we decide to change. Apparently she was not very happy at her old school, Al-Irsyad secondary school. With just one class for form 1, i can sense that there wont be much competition for her. Not that my dausghter is so smart that she needs to be among the top but i do belief a competitive environment is healthy for a child to excell...Sekolah rendah al-irsyad is good because there are many good students but when it comes to secondary, many perents look for other places, thus the class become less competitive...
She is happy since day 1, all praises with no complain except that she felt tired climbing up the 4 flight of stairs but yesterday when i asked her again she said she did nt feel tired..Good on you i said than you ll be fit. She is happy since she get into the first class. Apparently having the 'same wavelenght' like her. But i kept reminding her that there are good and bad friends/ pupil anywhere and its up to you to choose the good and the bad ones as i cant control everything. She was also excited because she was selected as the form representative for her ko-ko club Pencinta Alam. Since dear sarah is a bit introvert i keep on motivating her the importance of being excellent not only in academic but also in co-cu activity..Go kakak, mama will support you..
As for Munirah she also seems to be more enthusiastic to start her std 5 classes. Am very happy with her progress, as she pays more attention to her homework, doing them neatly without reminder. The more i praise her the more she shows her interest into study. And mama & ayah need to sacrifice a bit by sending her to small group tuition as to help her improve her academic performance. Go adik go, i know you can do it just put more effort and dont forget to pray and doa k..
As for muneer alhamdulillah..He shows concern about his homework,though need to ask him occasionally.
As usual i still allow them to use the internet when they come home. Having gone through hectic days since morning to around 4 pm , i think they deserve some times to indulge themselves into activities that they enjoy like cartoons and facebooking..ha ha. But by 7 pm everyone must be ready for dinner and maghrib after that. Then school work after that or tuition for munirah on monday and thursday...
As for abang Muaz yg jauh, mama hope you ll do your best this year. mama and ayah pray that Allah permudahkan urusan abang di sana.
So at present, that s the routine thus far..Moga Allah permudahkan urusan kami sepanjang tahun ini dan sabar dalam menghadapi cabaran fizikal dan mental yg mendatang. Moga Allah kurniakan kesihatan dan rezki buat kami mengharungi cabaran seterusnye..
She is happy since day 1, all praises with no complain except that she felt tired climbing up the 4 flight of stairs but yesterday when i asked her again she said she did nt feel tired..Good on you i said than you ll be fit. She is happy since she get into the first class. Apparently having the 'same wavelenght' like her. But i kept reminding her that there are good and bad friends/ pupil anywhere and its up to you to choose the good and the bad ones as i cant control everything. She was also excited because she was selected as the form representative for her ko-ko club Pencinta Alam. Since dear sarah is a bit introvert i keep on motivating her the importance of being excellent not only in academic but also in co-cu activity..Go kakak, mama will support you..
As for Munirah she also seems to be more enthusiastic to start her std 5 classes. Am very happy with her progress, as she pays more attention to her homework, doing them neatly without reminder. The more i praise her the more she shows her interest into study. And mama & ayah need to sacrifice a bit by sending her to small group tuition as to help her improve her academic performance. Go adik go, i know you can do it just put more effort and dont forget to pray and doa k..
As for muneer alhamdulillah..He shows concern about his homework,though need to ask him occasionally.
As usual i still allow them to use the internet when they come home. Having gone through hectic days since morning to around 4 pm , i think they deserve some times to indulge themselves into activities that they enjoy like cartoons and facebooking..ha ha. But by 7 pm everyone must be ready for dinner and maghrib after that. Then school work after that or tuition for munirah on monday and thursday...
As for abang Muaz yg jauh, mama hope you ll do your best this year. mama and ayah pray that Allah permudahkan urusan abang di sana.
So at present, that s the routine thus far..Moga Allah permudahkan urusan kami sepanjang tahun ini dan sabar dalam menghadapi cabaran fizikal dan mental yg mendatang. Moga Allah kurniakan kesihatan dan rezki buat kami mengharungi cabaran seterusnye..