Man..Why not 'suffocate' her with your love?

I came across several 'life episodes' involving husband and wife communication..No its not about my life. I m happy and content with what I have. Not saying my other half is perfect. Its just I m not perfect myself to complain much. Alhamdulillah I m happy.

I get this thru sembang-sembang, reading others blogs etc etc. I get to know about a lady who has been sick for quite sometimes..Looking at her I wont say much when I heard the husband remarried. He remarried, no not to a younger and single lady but a widow, independent financially and i would say still look young despite her age..The problem is when the first wife start feeling neglected ( emotionally) especially that she is sick..Its either because she s becoming more emotionally or indeed the husband is getting 'far' away from her. But i belief the main root of the problem is communication , verbal, body language etc..etc..All she was expecting is concerned words, loving touch, sympathy..but probably the husband having taking care of her for years start feeling exhausted physically? emotionally?...But i still believe that things can be rectified if the hubby make an extra effort 'lavishing her ' with loving words and care...

I read a blog recently..I don't know this lady but I would say she is not financially, physically neglected. But reading her entries I could sense something lost in her relationship with the husband..Probably an arrange marriage 20 years ago. I understood from her writing that she yearns for 'appreciation' from her husband..I don't think its financially but probably a more 'loving and affectionate' relationship and not just HUSBAND and WIFE responsibilities as repeated by Tok kadi..

I wished many more men out there emulate our RasullAllah..From the seerah we knew that he called aisyah humayrah''ie sipipi merah and played lumba lari with her..Imagine having your husband calling you witha sweet nick name and being playful with you..Isn't that so romantic..Often they follow the sunnah by practicing polygamy but forgot that our prophet 'suffocate' his wife with showers of LOVE...

I also read a blog by our malay (jawa) sister who is married to an Australian and currently living at Perth..Nice entries with lots of delicacies. She related an event where her husband came home and give her a surprise hug from behind while she is in the kitchen..then commented that she had lost weight because he can felt her smaller waist and ribs now...Hi hi my hubby never did that but am not complaining I m aware about my hubby's brought up..But what I m saying do we need an orang puteh hubby to experience this Romanticism (betul ke perkataan nih, or I just invent it)...

No maybe that's too much to ask..But I still hope things can get better..How? Teach your son to be loving..Instill closeness in family...As for me. I m doing my parts. I know the girls especially sarah does not feel happy if she sleeps without giving me and ayah a goodnight kiss..sometimes several times if she felt that i didn't pay much 'effort' the first time...hi hi..Just imagine the other half whom I think was brought up in 'a very old style' relation ship also comment if the youngest just went o bed without bidding good night and a peck on the cheek..Something that has been recurring for the last 15 years sure do have effects..don't they..

So..for my dar friend and the blogger..I do hope things get better with their life..may Allah give them courage to stride through life. And for those lucky to have expressive hubby ...good on them

All in all i should "suffocate' their woman with LOVE.....

ha ha..not worrying so much about this writing cause i know my hubby don't read my blog..


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