Selamat Hari Raya

In a week time insyaAllah we will celebrate Eid Fitr.. Tahun ni insyaAllah berkampung di Batu Pahat..Amboi senyum sampai ke telinga orang batu Pahat..As for me its OK any where..BP or KK. Foodwise mana mana pun sedap. So, I ve already asked bibik to take down our bags, and baju raya are all out on the bed. I need to put this thing out few days before travelling thus its easier not to miss any important samping and songkok..Oh butang baju melayu still in drawer. InsyaAllah friday night to BP and dont know yet when we will navigate to KK ? or KL..mana mana opah adalah. Even now adays not many house to visit even in BP as the elders have passed away...thus not much going out. If opah in KL then we will go around and visit relatives around KL..then by Ffiday need to come back to Kuantan, since need to pack and send Muaz back to JB....and InsyaAllah I ll go down back to KL on tuesday to see hani fly to dah start rasa sedih...teringat masa nak terbang pi adelaide dulu...jauh weh..InsyaAllah hope my family's journey be blessed and we ll be safe and sound during this raya....Amin


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