Ramadhan 2009

Alhamdulillah this year we get to celebrate Ramadhan in our own house. More confortable. Cant wait to see my kitchen cabinet..No its not about having a 'complete' kitchen its just I cant stand seeing all the clutters. Hope when the cabinet is ready, things can be kept properly and neatly...
BTW the ladies have been praying terawih at home but the guys went to the nearby mosque.For iftar i cooked and bought some kueh too from nearby stalls...No more rushing like in KL..

Work wise has been good. I ve completed all the year 2 block 1 lectures with 1 tutorial. Need to touch up lecture slides for next block year 1 and 2. Now preparing questions for end block exam. Time table Y2B2 has been circulated. Alhamdulillah. Now waiting for the dean to give feedback on the Clinical trial unit proposal. Hope not much amendment required.

Have to settle few thing about the post grad. Hope things get done as we planned.

Thesis wise..Yupp..that thing is still hanging with no call for viva yet. I better read and update on and on incase they call up for viva.

Cant wait for November. Now that the kulliyyah has agreed to support my conference in Adelaide. Rasa macam nak balik kampung pulak. Semuga Allah permudahkan urusan. The kids are excited..but sorry guys if you want to go oversea, study or work hard and earn it..Your parents arent rich..;)and the priority now is to save enough and go to Hajj soon...Amin

Other than that..soon Sarah is going to sit for UPSR. Not pushing her too much. Just words of encouragemnet. Of late I dont 'screw' them too much. At this age I realised, the strive to excell must come from within. The parents can facilitate by providing condusive environment but at the end of the day...Its YOU.

So much with updating, better get back to my post grad proposal..Chow



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