Hotdog1 Nugget 1
That what my kids said about H1N1. Though they wore mask to school they dont take it as a serious matter. Kids being being kids. But I dont think its only kids..I think even adult..Especially Malay adult. In particular uneducated Malay adult. Who despite sneezing, coughing and 'feeling not so well' still roam around heavily populated area..disseminating unwanted virus not seen even with microscope. And so far if I m not mistaken majority who died are malays, and outside lembah kelang. These are areas packed with malays. Malays love to go to packed areas like pasar malam, pasartani, pasar borong, fun fair, heboh heboh, konsert konsert, but less to solat jemaah...and the sad thing is they bring along their 1 month old baby..maybe to enjoy the fresh air outside their house, probably feeling bored living in their packed house because malays again are the one who populated low cost area that certainly increase the chance of close contact and increase risk of infection...where got space for what so called social isolation...3 m from each other? ..hi hi thats the size of their lounge packed with 6 kids and 2 adults and sometimes plus an atuk or nenek...dont talk about social isolation.... and malays too who throng government linics and hospitals thousands of them, for economically wise they cant afford private facilities..thus when WHO said that at this rate of infection 5 millions maybe affected..who...malays family would be affected most due their ignorance, dont care attitude, tawakal before even berusaha....mmmmvery easy for me writing this in my blog for my relatives out there cant even get a mask..what mask, with income around rm1000/months and so many mouth to feed who care about a mask...but the least i think they should just stay at home. no need to go to shopping centres anymore..can save lots of money and especially during ramadhan, maybe just stay at home and read quran would be better..