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Alhamdullilah enjoying my schedules so far: Workshop on ethics on the use of animal in research by experts from USM and UPM last week n workshop on Evaluation of students assessment by Prof. Ramesh from IMU yesterday..interesting and eye-opening. PBL session with students was good..they can quickly form differential diagnosis based on symptoms given..Today got Kuliyyah Meeting..
Opah arrived yesterday with swollen toe and foot..coughing too. Alhamdullillah dear hubby gave an injection of analgesic this morning and opah took clarythromycin just now. Hope opah will be better..Will take few days.
Kakak n munirah going for camping this afternoon. I ve bought them two new sleeping bags and few things they need..Happy camping. Cik abang darling going to KB tonite. May Allah protects you all darlings..safe journey n back home..
Opah arrived yesterday with swollen toe and foot..coughing too. Alhamdullillah dear hubby gave an injection of analgesic this morning and opah took clarythromycin just now. Hope opah will be better..Will take few days.
Kakak n munirah going for camping this afternoon. I ve bought them two new sleeping bags and few things they need..Happy camping. Cik abang darling going to KB tonite. May Allah protects you all darlings..safe journey n back home..