But i f you really want...its not impossible..

This is a good example that show You r the one who decide what you want to be...an interesting blog by the owner,,suprisingly my senior at MRSM Kuantan. From pure science to respected Ustaz..

INIJALANKU adalah blog (http://inijalanku.wordpress.com/about/ )

Ustaz Haji Abdul Halim Abdullah, 44 tahun. Beliau dilahirkan pada 6.11.1965 di Seremban, Negeri Sembilan dan mendapat pendidikan di :-
- Sekolah Kebangsaan (dulu Jenis Kebangsaan Inggeris) King George V (KGV), Seremban, NS (1972-1977), Tahun 1 – Tahun 5.
- Maktab Rendah Sains MARA (MRSM), Kuantan, Pahang (1978-1982), Tingkatan 1 – Tingkatan 5.
- Kelvin Grove State College (Matriculation), Brisbane, Australia (1983), 1 tahun.
- University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia (Bachelor of Engineering 1987), (1984-1987), 4 tahun.
- Universiti Al-Azhar, Cairo, Egypt (B.A. Islamic Studies & Arabic Literature 1993), (1989-1993), 4 tahun.
- Asy-Syeikh Hasan Al-Bakury Higher Institute for Islamic Studies, Cairo, Egypt (Graduate Diploma 1996), (1994-1996), 2 tahun.


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