The kids brought back some of the results yesterday. Unlike the kakaks, muneer so far maintained his performance. The kakaks had mix of A's and B's..Dont know if they bring back some Cs today. Then we can eat cendol. After having 4 children in school I notice significant difference among them. Some how the desire to really screw them becoming less now. Actually each child have different abilities and capacity. Muneer being the youngest probably benefited the most. Or maybe because he is the 'fourth'..hi hi. I did not give extra attention to him yet his results are good.Though standard 1 subjects are considered easy but he is different from the other 3, we notice that and also a bit 'degil'. I considered munirah as 'a bit lazy'. Not keen to do exercise unless asked to. But somehow she likes science subject and did well. sarah is different. I would say she has been a good and compliant since small. So maybe i do have higher expectation on her. Among the rest she is the one who 'religiously' listen to ayah's advise to recite quran before going to school. The last two..often need reminder. and usually the youngest just make dunno...mmm. different anak different characters. The eldest, alhamdulillah at the hostel. I think its gonna be a bit difficult considering his 'addiction' to computer games etc. At least at the hostel he is involved in other sporty activities, mingle with other boys of his age and more independent. Of late the 'difficulty' of travelling back n forth has lessened since abang now can board the bus to come home..Alhamdulillah so far. But i think he need some coaching in science and english. Mama will try to work it out, considering PMR is coming next year. All in all some how I m less 'disturbed' this days by the kids academic performance but that doesnt mean you guys can lazing around...All the best anak-anak..As I ve told you guys many time..there is only so much that parents can do. The rest is in your hand. The privilages,comfort that you guys experience know is not a guarantee for life...Hard work pays and no one will benefit but yourself. Your parents will grow old, they may need some help from you but at the end you r on your own. So make the right choice from now....