TQ Kak Zah

I m lucky indeed to have so many helpful souls around me..especially while doing my PhD..TQ guys..So tday kakzah came to my house. Apart from visiting her daughter at Shahputra Kolej beside my neighbourhood she came to give my thesis draft corrected by Dr. KY..If not because of her I would have to ait till nxt week to get this immportant item. Considering each day in june is 'expenxive' n valuable..I really appreciate her help..Thanx again KZah n hope KZah enjoyed the lunch..kari ikan opah , rendang kerang opah, ayam berempah opah, sambal tumis pHd, sayur campur PHd, ikan masin bibik, air oren manis ya amat...buah tembikai...mmmmmmSilap tak capture photo

TQ again..thnax kak miah, kerani di jab. Farmakologi yg tolong pas kat kakzah draft ini..Wish my department have these kind of staffs..helpful, creative.., boleh pikir betond job scope...


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