Thats the name they called him..they 'hate' him for he is a bit terlebih manja..according to their judgement..But today both the sis have to salute him for he get his ujian at school..No..not no.1 in class but the entire standard one...Hi hi.. So abang muneer must put extra effort now to make sure you maintain your result k.


JUN said…
bila ler nak dapat anak yang cerodik macam ni...hem...dah naik juling arina dengan kasih tu kena paksa makan kismis....!
Anonymous said…
Bila muneer dpt no.1 actually orang kat kuantan kena work harder sebab kat KL dia tak no.1..maybe just kelas first..hi hi..

Anonymous said…
Wow! terrorlah Muneer. Mana tak tumpahnya kuah kalau tak ke nasi...

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